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    Image by Bianca Ackermann

    Our Team

    We are overjoyed to come along side you on your journey of personal growth!

    Hi there, I am Andrea. As a lover of life and seeker of joy, I am constantly driven by curiosity and the desire for personal growth. I am a dreamer at heart, and I truly believe that anything is possible. However, this was not always the case. There was a time when I felt lost and unsure of myself, lacking direction and purpose. At one point in my life, everything felt like a test I had not prepared for. I was overwhelmed, stressed and unsure of how to move forward, making all the wrong decisions for my life. I had this constant feeling of being stuck in what I felt was a mundane life, buffering through, and always waiting for the world around me to change, asking why can’t I just feel better. But one day, something changed within me. I remember the very moment I decided to take some serious action. That very day I began the process of deeply exploring my inner self. It was through this journey that I experienced constant light bulb moments of clarity and awakening.All my “WHY” questions were being answered and I started to see my purpose as I formed a deeper, more intentional connection with myself and others. I began to seek out new experiences, learn new skills, and challenge myself to step outside of my comfort zone. My life started to align with what I realized I truly value. In the end, while there may still be moments of uncertainty or doubt, I am confident in my ability to handle whatever life throws at me. Now, when I encounter challenges or obstacles, I no longer feel overwhelmed or defeated. Instead, I approach them with a greater sense of courage and determination. I hope that my story can serve as a source of inspiration and motivation for you to start your own journey towards a better and more fulfilling life. With dedication and perseverance, anything is possible.


    Andrea Finn

    Founder / Integrative Life Coach - Health Coach


    Amanda Buckley

    Founder / Integrative Life Coach - Mindset Coach

    Hi there! I'm Amanda. I'm excited to share with you how I became a Certified Integrative Life/Mindset Coach and Retreat Host. My insatiable love of learning began many years ago when I had my first child. I wanted to know everything about being a great mom and about this little person who was entrusted to my care. I began reading any self-help and parenting books I felt would guide me on this journey. I continued studying personal development and began to see areas in my life where I knew I was being shaped. I worked in corporate banking for 12 years and part of that experience awakened my love of making connections with others, whether it was a “regular” at the bank or a co-worker, but I still felt there was more for my life. I felt I was waiting for my “real life” to begin, but at that point I didn’t even know what that looked like. Over the next few years I began to search within for my most authentic self. During my journey of growth, I became excited to share all the new concepts and insights I was discovering. I began to think of how I could share this with others in a meaningful way. This led me to pursue life-coaching. The impact of the curriculum I studied while working toward my certification was again life-changing! I knew I had found my purpose! My mission is to help you transform your mindset, reach your goals and live your best life.

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